I don’t think so and I believe I provided enough evidence of the backlash to portraying a white male turned villain which should have been a non-issue… but it wasn’t, by a massive degree in the media.
There were even police in movie theatres and some showings shut down.
People were afraid radical incels were going to attack the public at the showings, even the military sent out a warning.
This article addresses why.
You’re entitled to disagree.
And I think everyone deserves to be acknowledged, this article also emphasises that “we all feel this way”.
I think the media, especially on the left often is focused on everyone but white men being victims. It’s women, LGBT and minorities. Accusations of racism, white supremacy and toxic masculinity are rampant. In fact it’s laughable to most to even suggest white men being victims, but there are issues, much of it with men in general, not particularly ‘white’ men.
I recently read The War Against Boys by Christina Hoff Sommers that does a good job of outlining paranoia and intervention in the socialisation of boys and the redefining of masculinity.
Feel free to give me relevant examples and I’ll be happy to consider them, as well as give your own reasons for the backlash.