Milo Yiannopoulos on the Significance of ‘Joker’
When will we acknowledge the symptoms of anomie?
Mainstream journalists have had such a field day cultivating fear surrounding Joker one would suspect they were actually trying to instigate an act of violence. It would certainly bolster their narrative, influence the upcoming US election, and further demonize disaffected young men.
And to their dismay, nothing happened.
But this didn’t stop anyone from misinterpreting the film in the most brutal and unflattering of ways.
Since they don’t have their shiny new terrorist, they still managed to push the anti-white and anti-men angle assiduously, even before the movie came out.
And if that didn’t work, journalists are calling it “bleak” and “boring” — as they did with Dave Chappelle’s Sticks and Stones. If they can’t convince you that it is too offensive to view, they will claim it is simply not worthy of your time.
Fortunately, amongst the cacophony of projections, some voices of reason have emerged.
Love him or hate him, recently Milo appeared on his show Milo & I on and gave a brilliant opinion piece on the new Joker film.
Contrary to being “bleak”, in the words of Milo:
“It was a fucking masterpiece.”
Not nearly as divisive as journalists had painted it to be, but offered a balanced perspective.
Milo points out conservative and progressive themes could easily be extracted from the subtext — if a newspaper headline reading “kill the rich” in a later scene didn’t make it obvious enough.
“And in a sense, we’re all Jokers, because this movie is about alienated young men of, I would argue, very varied political stripes.”
“Who among us has not felt at some time or another that the world is architected against them in a way that is cruel and vindictive and mean?”
The film is (inadvertently or not) demonstrating that the cruelty of the world is not limited by the identity politics of sex, race, or political affiliation, simply by presenting a white male doing it tough.
This is the unforgivable crime that cannot be tolerated by far left journalism.
They refuse to endorse this kind of sympathy, because they don’t see people as individuals with individual lives — rather as proponents of their race, sex, or sexual preference. Depending on where you sit in this identity spectrum, you either share blame for the world’s ills, or you’re a victim of the ‘oppressive’ identities. There is no nuance. Humanizing the ‘oppressive’ group is intolerable.
Beyond the lens of identity groups and power struggles, the film is depicting a culturally relevant message of alienation and nihilism, a despondency felt throughout modern society: the loneliness of the individual, and the quest for identity.
“This is a society that has become so corrupt and degenerate … young men have become completely dissociated from their own lives, from any sense of their worth, and playing on the divorce culture that emerged in America in the 60’s and 70’s; this is a movie about a young man who is driven by the cruelty around him to do appalling things and the message, the moral of this story — I think — is that’s what’s going to happen; unless young people… unless these dissociated and disaffected young males find something better to believe in; whether it’s God, or some other kind of purpose — or whether society starts treating them with the respect and dignity they deserve.”
Before he was the Joker, Arthur Fleck had his dreams beaten down relentlessly. His pursuit of a higher calling mocked and ridiculed.
It leaves you to wonder if Arthur’s career in comedy went the right way, would the Joker never have come to be?
What if positive channels were cultivated to express their potential?
There is an idea in depth psychology that when we cannot find the proper modalities for expression, our potential turns negative — resulting in neurosis.
“One of the most wicked destructive forces, psychologically speaking, is unused creative power … If someone has a creative gift and out of laziness, or for some other reason, doesn’t use it, the psychic energy turns to sheer poison.
That’s why we often diagnose neuroses and psychotic diseases as not-lived higher possibilities.”
―Marie-Louise von Franz
The soul is constantly striving to find its way, and when the soul finds its way closed, all the world can offer nothing.” — Inayat Khan
Bad guys are created, not born.
When we hate the villain, our vision is obscured by the judgment of their actions, not what brought them to be.
Too often men are demonized as monsters rather than understood. This movie committed the crime of portraying a relatable backstory of how a ‘white man’ can turn sinister, and is not simply evil by nature. A process behind the monstrosity.
This is the message that has become unacceptable as it apparently calls to empathize with the perpetrator, but really, the purpose is to understand how one is created.
Without this insight, we cannot fix the problem of aggression. Men must remain monsters, and therefore will continue become them.
“Inside every cynical person is a disappointed idealist.” — George Carlin
Male issues are ridiculed and deemed unimportant. Any problem is rationalized away by feminist sociologists in some way to be the fault of males themselves. Whether they hint at some inherent flaw in society, or an abstract idea of cultural conditioning — attributed to males. They try to redefine masculinity into femininity instead of guide the flow of positive masculinity. They understand that misguided masculinity creates the problem, only their redefining of masculinity is not masculinity.
“We’ve been told for quite some time to shut up and bear it, to be quiet, after all, aren’t we the aggressors? aren’t we the historical oppressors of everybody else? Meanwhile, society has become utterly and absolutely hostile to its engines of progress and creation… and to its own backbone, and the terrifying thing about this movie is how close to reality it is if all of us don’t change course.”
Young men are faced with anomie — “the condition in which society provides little moral guidance to individuals”.
This takes away their motivation and instead makes them nihilistic and resentful. There is no purpose, no north star.
They are faced with ridicule.
They are faced with shame.
They are medicated to pay attention, and told competition is harmful.
Blocking natural channels only reaps perversion.
So what if things don’t change?
What if society does not help provide men with purpose, responsibility, and respect?
We have already seen enough of what can happen.
“The child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth” — African Proverb
A final note from Milo:
“If you interpret it… correctly — and I hate these lazy political takes where people are trying to say “are the joker supporters left wing or right wing” … it’s all of us.
We all feel this way.
…they all come from the same central animating dysfunction and this is a dysfunction that has been created by people two generations above us. Unless it is fixed… horrible things will happen… It is a very timely beautiful reminder that we must urgently change course.”