Sounds to me like things are going smoothly? If they weren’t then perhaps you would be more prone to a crisis.
Maybe you’re living in line with who you are already, making decisions that feel right, and it’s really not all that complicated.
I will say that a recognition of life as “just is” and autopilot aren’t totally compatible as one perception can observe life with the clarity that some distance from thought offers and the other is blinded by habit patterns. That doesn’t mean autopilot is always a bad thing but at least there is some level of awareness.
The other implication of what you said is that no matter what happens, we might not have an influence on reality and things are as they are supposed to be.
In my view, we have the choice to be informed and to think through issues, and the actions we take are much better when we do. If we had no bearing on reality, why take responsibility for anything?
Also if someone yearns to create or experience something, they must do it. Not all yearn for this and instead have other intentions, and it is probably best for them to not punish themselves into achieving something outside of their nature.
Thanks for commenting!