That’s rough, I hear you.
If I were to admit the weakness in my article, it would be in the lack of a practical step-by-step process of overcoming the dark night, but I am afraid it might not be that simple, it may be different for everyone, and I may be officially unqualified. Although, I have been through it myself.
In comments above I have expanded on how I came through it, I also expand more on my current perspective and philosophy in another article I wrote titled “10 essential life lessons I wish I knew sooner” which I believe, for me, is largely a result of my experience with the dark night.
I also have another dark night of the soul article on the back burner and have for a while, but it is quite daunting to try to give any solutions to people’s dark periods of their life. I can really only make suggestions that may or may not help that’s informed by my experience and research.
On top of this, I may suggest the books ‘Philosophy: Who Needs It’ by Ayn Rand. Although a touch opinionated, it talks about how we need a personal philosophy and that helps with a sense of identity. Also, ‘The Will To Power’ by Friedrich Nietzsche outlines the struggle with nihilism that makes me wish I read it during my dark night.
I have heard the saying “if you’re going through hell, keep going” and aside from my suggestions above, this is the best I can do right now.
You’re not alone, although it absolutely feels like it. During the covid lockdowns this article has spiked in views which indicates to me that you’re absolutely not alone.
For what it’s worth, I am glad you chose life.
I wish you luck and I will link any new article I write on the dark night in these comments.