This message slipped past my awareness so I will reply now.
While women are reportedly satisfied at work, female happiness declined in the past 50 years. But I am not arguing for women being imprisoned in the home, just that if the workforce solved the happiness issue, we ought to have seen an increase in happiness along with the increase of rights and equality in general.
And yes while it has been a poor transition for men to become conscious of maintenance tasks that were once peripheral to them, women are still underrepresented in some of the worst jobs society has to offer, and military casualties. You also say women are overworked. Many sure are, but still on average choose much less work hours than men.
In my generation, men are not what they were decades ago. “Toxic masculinity” is rare for me to see. What is common is femininity in men and masculinity in women. I think many women are actually playing the role of not being nice to their partners. It doesn’t seem so “men vs women” but a real mix.
And you have no choice but to be ok with having fewer children, if any, because an effect of women’s emancipation is a significantly reduced birthrate. That’s not an argument in favor of staying in the home, that’s just an issue that has to be contended with.
Also, why don’t you think men want to be fathers these days? I’m not sure about the numbers, but it could be true many men don’t want to be. What interests me is the reason why.
I would also never in a million years suggest kissing a lot of frogs before finding a prince. I advocate for saving your affections for someone who has proved themselves. Affection given frequently in the context of low standards significantly limits the value of that affection.
Both men and women need to improve, but there’s no new underpinning philosophy that can achieve that, that describes the role of men and women and the meaning of their place in the universe.
The relativism and nihilism of the modern day will continue to erode any hierarchical structure that expects ideals or roles from men or women. “Roles” and expectations are the very limitations the female soul has been so eager to overcome, that the modern woman now seems to believe acting against any standards is the ideal, because choice is sacrosanct, no matter what those choices serve.